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The research seeks to seize the multiple meanings of "living" in all scales: Physical (the house itself), behavioural (relative to housing – the house and its users) and environmental (while a housing unit – the house inserted in an urban context). Considering the importance of living for human beings, it is also justified the need to know how the inhabitants of our cities are being sheltered. In other words, it is important to assess the quality of living in their both objective and subjective dimensions. Research financed by CNPq, FAPEMIG and UFU.

The research has the objective to develop an interactive system of Post-Occupancy Evaluation through digital interfaces, identifying the quality of dwellings produced and whose viability, tested in case studies in the city of Uberlândia (MG), can support future replication in the national territory. Therefore, it is considered that the quality of housing tends to improve, through the assembly and observation, by architects, public and private real estate agents, databases provided by Post-Occupancy Evaluations. This paper also intends to continue the researches developed within the [MORA] Housing Research Group, which focuses precisely on Post-Occupancy Evaluation methodologies and digital interfaces, extending the discussion on new methodological possibilities in the area, by interdisciplinary means, the adoption of different data collection methods and non-traditional approaches.


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